Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's been a while since I've posted. Little guy has changed quite a bit. Josh is sleeping in his own room now, on a good eating/ sleeping schedule, started eating rice cereal, started sitting up on his own.

Unfortunately, he has gotten sick for the first time. He's about 4 days into his first cold and it seems like it's getting better. Lots of coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sleepless nights and sleepless days. Can't wait til this one is over.


Phi Nguyen said...

This should just make him stronger when he's older! Way to build up your immune system Josh!

Baby Bhatt said...

Ary sends a whole bucket-full of TLC his way!

Hugs and kisses from Ary's mommy and daddy too!

Lawrence Tam said...

once the baby gets sick 1 time. the 2nd time someone is sick you understand the meaning of "don't cough on the baby", why people wear masks at home, and "wash your hands!"